Swedish massage relaxes the nervous system, aids circulation, and helps with detoxification.

Relaxation massage, commonly known as Swedish massage, is aimed at relaxing the body and mind. This is achieved by smooth, gliding strokes, which are performed at a slow pace, with light to medium pressure, and gentle “kneading” of muscle.

Some of the benefits massage can provide include:

  • Improved circulation
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Stress relief
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Better sleep
  • Release of endorphins (“feel-good” hormones)
  • Boost in immunity

Come experience the feeling of overall wellness of mind, body and spirt.

Swedish massage is not appropriate for individuals currently undergoing treatment.

Note: if this is your first visit and you would like to register as a guest, please call our office to set up your brief intake appointment so that you can take advantage of this and all our free classes, workshops and lectures!


Arlene Valenzuela
Certified Massage Therapist

Arlene is a Certified Massage Therapist. She is trained in several massage modalities, but specializes in Relaxation Massage. Her goal is to provide a peaceful and relaxing experience. In addition, she is a 20-year member of the National Marrow Donor Program. Twice during that time, she was deemed a “match,” successfully donating bone marrow to people who were each battling Leukemia. Arlene is a colon cancer survivor.