The goal for this class is for you to leave feeling good mentally and physically. You will go through gentle yoga poses (asabas) to stretch and move your body. The class will also be led through different breathing exercises (pranayama) to calm the mind. Our breath is such a powerful tool and it is important to know techniques that can take us into a state of relaxation by activating our parasympathetic nervous system. Class will end with a guided meditation (Dhyana) to allow you to get deeper into relaxation and begin to tune into your true nature.

Note: if this is your first visit and you would like to register as a guest, please call our office to set up your brief intake appointment so that you can take advantage of this and all our free classes, workshops and lectures!

Paola Campos
Yoga Instructor

Paola was born in Texas and moved to California at the age of 12. She lost her mother to cancer at the age of 12, and that is when her passion for health, wellness and travel came about. She traveled to Cambodia to volunteer for a year and that led her to India to get her first 200 hour yoga teacher training. Very quickly she realized yoga is not just about physical poses, but the union of body, mind and soul. Her desire to learn more led her to do another 200 hour in Santa Clarita and then a 300 hour training in Indonesia. Yoga has helped her heal and that is why she is so passionate to share her knowledge. She believes the mind is so powerful and yoga can teach us to stay in the present moment and connect to our true self.