Sign up to Volunteer with Circle Of Hope! Age Verification: I am at least 18 years of ageI am at least 21 years of age Circle of Hope is always in need of volunteers for our fundraising and outreach events! Please indicate below your level of interest: Yes! I am interested in volunteering for ANY Circle of Hope event or outreach opportunity! Please add me to your volunteer list. I would like to volunteer for these specific events only: Hoedown for HopeVine2WineAnnual Afternoon Tea31 Days of HopeBeneficiary EventsHealth & Wellness Fairs, Outreach eventsOther [group group-1] [/group] Please indicate any special skills or experience you have that may be beneficial to our events and outreach team: If you are interested in volunteering at Circle of Hope as a facilitator or practitioner to teach in one of our programs, please contact Tricia Rasplicka, Director of Programs directly at